Tuesday, October 22, 2019

We Ain't Seen Nothing Yet.

Donald Trump seems wholly unprepared to stand against the questioning of his authority. The House of Representatives Impeachment Inquiry currently being played out in the Autumn of 2019 itself is an indictment of this President, in his mind, even before they come to the conclusion that there are sufficient grounds to Impeach.

This man cannot stand even to have a discussion of his orders and policies among his own staff and inner circle. His decisions issue from his head fully formed, such as they are, and perfect in his assessment. Anyone who dares to suggest otherwise risks his wrath, being disparaged, fired and disavowed on the Twitter-stage as someone who always was inferior and not up to the job.

As the House investigations continue to gather evidence he has grown more radical and defensive. He has called for impeachment [sic] of the lead Representatives and Speaker of the House for treason, and generally bullying him. He has gone as far as to characterize the inquiry as a lynching. The madness of his methods grows more extreme by the day.

If the President feels the inquiry is unfair, fraudulent and capricious now, wait until the indictment is issued.

The President has reached a level of crazy and recklessness not before seen in a US Chief Executive. He is "on the ropes" as they say in boxing. He is in the corner and being pummeled by the world, not just a few Democrats in the House. He is like the black knight of the Monty Python skit where the knight gets his limbs chopped of even as he hops around declaring "tiz only a flesh wound." It would be funny, but he can salt the fields as he is being forced into retreat. We have not seen the worst he can do.

There remains only 13 months until the 2020 elections either rebukes his Administration or reaffirm it. A sizable portion of that time will be spent with the House moving forward with the Constitutional impeachment process and the President conducting nearly weekly #StopMyImpeachmentRallies.

As he flails and grapples for a hand and foothold to stay afloat, we will see the escalation of impeachable behavior and acts that are calculated to make the otherwise orderly process into chaos. At this point in time he has nothing more to lose that he hasn't already lost in the political arena. He can only be removed from office once. The evidence already known is sufficient for removal if the GOP Senate doesn't become complicit in his misdeeds and refuse to remove.

We haven't seen anything yet.

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