Saturday, September 28, 2019

Congratulations, Mr. President, Sir

Congratulations, Mr. President, Sir, on the completion of your big beautiful wall. The massive turnout for the ribbon-cutting ceremony on both sides of the wall is testimony for how important you are to #MAGA. Now that that matter is resolved you can concentrate on infrastructure, homelessness, health care, education and improving the environment so your yuge legacy is smiled upon for generations to come.

Greta Thunberg speaking to the UN

In response to Greta Thunberg speaking to the UN about the perils of not addressing climate change and hurting people's lives, this woman demonstrated the sentiment of her second sentence - "I think not"

9/23/2019 FB Posted by: Penny [redacted] So a
14 year old has appropriate credentials and years
of scientific knowledge and data to support her

opinions? I think not

Fortunately the follow up comments were universally against Ms. Penny for her complete lack of critical thinking regarding who and what a representative is on any subject. And while she is entitled to her opinion, she is also subject to the public criticism which follows such an ill-informed expression.

Instead of debating the content of Ms. Thunberg's message, the emphasis has been placed on the messenger. Ad hominem attacks are always indicative of the fact the person has nothing to add to the discourse. Unfortunately, the venue for debate in America has devolved into what comedienne Paula Poundstone has described, "America has become one giant game of Dodgeball."

It is a sad state of affairs that there are far too many people just like Ms. Penny on Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms who parrot their indoctrinated counter-measures and eschew the education that was offered to them as they matured from child to adult. When people adopt the ad hominem attack as their modus operandi in the public square they become like the little boy with a BB gun taking potshots at anything that catches their eye.
      Image may contain: 1 person, standing

Donald Trump’s Most Damaging Enemy is

Donald Trump’s most damaging enemy is Donald Trump. More specifically, his mouth. Now that he is on the verge of being impeached, he won’t be able to stay silent on the matter.

His nearly bi-weekly re-election rallies are a temptation too big for him the pass up. At those rallies he is accustomed to posing a question then answering it himself as though some other entity had spoken.

His rallies regularly disparage people who do not agree with him, he doesn’t like, and who report on his words and actions (which he cries Fake on every time.) he loves to gin up the base and suggest they will not tolerate him being sanctioned for what he does. 

Violent rhetoric accompanies him at every venue. He will not be able to constrain his impulsive nature and will add ammunition to the proceedings against him. It will be easy for the House to tack on to their charging documents every new conduct which is not becoming of the President of the United States of America. After all he is our representative and we have the right to be properly represented. This country is not the US of Trump.

Trump Impeachment is a Partisan Effort

The only reason the Trump Impeachment is a partisan effort is because the GOP refused to look at the extent of his un-American, unPresidential, treasonous and criminal acts and behaviors. If it were one or two instances of merely questionable or unpopular nature the House would not be considering this ultimate action against the Chief Executive. They waited. They debated. They tried to not go down this path even though from day-one they had justification.

The activities which follow the Sept 24th announcement will have far reaching impact on the American social and political scene. It will not be pretty. It will be necessary. And the residuals will be endured for many years. 

Extreme corrupt behavior must necessarily be countered with extreme remedies. While the claim by Trump supporters is that he WAS elected and should be allowed to do that job, only the first half of that claim is valid. He was elected but he is not doing the job he was elected to. Neither is he doing so in a lawful manner.

Partisan or not, it is the job of Congress to hold the President to the laws of the land and to stop perpetrators from running amok. It is their job to challenge his actions when he is wrong.
When the proceeding reach the Senate we shall probably see the GOP Senators mount a partisan defense of Trump’s actions. It will be a trial with Senators as jury. The jury is supposed to weight the evidence and render an impartial verdict based in law and not on personal feelings

I suspect that if the impeachment trial were an ordinary criminal proceeding most if not all Senators would not get past the voir dire to be accepted as a qualified juror.

The next few months will be very contentious. But since Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, holds every House Bill in stasis anyway, there will be ample time to proceed with impeaching the President without foregoing other business of the Republic.

It remains to be seen whether any GOP Senators will break with their party bloc and vote to remove Trump for his many High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Their integrity is at stake.

Its Yuge

If.. and it’s a yuge IF... Trump wins the 2020 election, do you think he will stop his bi-weekly campaign rallies? Will he pull the gloves of his level of crazy and vitriol?